I like to wear clothes that have an interesting detail – maybe a different kind of collar on a shirt, a standout fabric on a jacket, or a colour no one else is wearing. I saw Taavi Turk’s dress for men at the ERKI Moeshow 2014, as part of a very impressive collection. I then met the designer at his pop-up shop in Kristiine Keskus the following week – he is a really good guy, we got on well, and after trying on a few items, I just felt I had to buy the dress – I don’t see why there should only be a narrow selection of clothes men can wear, we should be allowed to experiment with our wardrobe. I was surprised it fitted me, as I’m not a male model in any way, but I really like wearing it – the fabric is thick and good-quality, it seems to work well with my leather jacket and a pair of leggings, and the big gold zip on the back doesn’t bother me as much as I thought it would. I’m not sure I’d have the courage to wear it on the high street, but I’ll certainly put it on for a future fashion event!